

姓 名


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教 龄


学 历


学 位









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电 话








1. 教育工作背景

2008.07~至今     河海大学 地球科学与工程学院 研究员 博士生导师

2013.07-2014.07   澳大利亚卧龙岗大学 高级访问学者

2007.11~2008.07   河海大学 科学研究院 副研究员

2005.07~2007.10   中国科学院盐湖资源与化学重点实验室 副主任

2002.07~2007.10   中国科学院 盐湖研究所 副研究员

2001.07~2004.12   中国科学院 盐湖研究所 博士学位

2000.07~2002.07   中国科学院 盐湖研究所 助理研究员

1997.09~2000.07   中国科学院 盐湖研究所 硕士学位

1993.09~ 997.06 长安大学 学士学位


2. 近10年主持的代表性科研项目





52018.7-2022.2 国家重点研发计划“高寒内陆盆地水循环全过程高效利用与生态保护技术”专项“水资源高效开发利用”,课题一“高寒山盆流域水循环监测与水资源精准评价”,主持。


72012-2016  国家自然科学基金“陇中高原山地-丘陵区黄土地下水循环的同位素水文学研究”,主持。

82012-2015  国家自然科学基金“东昆仑山北缘尾闾富硼锂盐湖-流域水体的硼、锂、锶同位素组成及物源示踪”,主持。

92011-2013  国家自然科学基金“典型盐类矿物水HO同位素分馏机理及地质意义”,主持。

102008-2010  国家自然科学基金“古代钾盐沉积矿床硼、氯、锶同位素特征及成矿指示作用”,主持。


3. 近年来发表代表性论文

1) Yu Zhang, Hongbing Tan*, Peixin Cong, et al. Isotopic variations in surface waters and groundwaters of an extremely arid basin and their responses to climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2023 https://doi.org/10..... 

2) Cong, P., Tan, H.*, Shi, D., et al. Understanding the soil and plant water hydrological cycle in a typical wetland under harsh natural conditions in the Shigatse area of the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 2023, 37(6), e14921. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14921

3) Dongping Shi, Hongbing Tan*, Yu Zhang, Peixin Cong, Yucheng Cao. Water quality of the southern Tibetan Plateau: hydrogeochemistry assessment of the Yarlungzangbo River. Journal of the Geological Society, (2023) jgs2023-040.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2023-040

4) Yu Zhang, Hongbing Tan*, Peixin Cong, et al. Boron and lithium isotopic constraints on their origin, evolution, and enrichment processes in a rivergroundwatersalt lake system in the Qaidam Basin,northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Ore Geology Reviews,(2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105110

5) Wenjie Zhang, Hongbing Tan*, Wensheng Xu, et al. Boron source and evolution of the Zabuye salt lake, Tibet: Indication from boron geochemistry and isotope. Applied Geochemistry, (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105516

6) Hongbing Tan*, Yu Zhang, Wenbo Rao, et al. Rapid groundwater circulation inferred from temporal water dynamics and isotopes in an arid system. Hydrological Processes, 2021. https://DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14225

7Hongbing Tan*, Xi Chen, Dongping Shi, et al. Base flow in the Yarlungzangbo River, Tibet, maintained by the isotopically-depleted precipitation and groundwater discharge. Science of the Total Environment2021759143510https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143510

8Shi, D., Tan, H.*, Chen, X., Rao, W., Basang, R., 2021. Uncovering the mechanisms of seasonal river–groundwater circulation using isotopes and water chemistry in the middle reaches of the Yarlungzangbo River, Tibet, Journal of Hydrology 603, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127010

9Hartman Issombo Elenga, Hongbing Tan*, Jinbao Su ,et al. Origin of the enrichment of B and alkali metal elements in the geothermal water in the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from B and Sr isotopes. Geochemistry, 2021, 81(3): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2021.125797

10Hartman Issombo Elenga, Hongbing Tan*, Dongpin Shi, et al. Elemental Distribution and Partitioning Law between the Geothermal Water and Associated Deposits for a Typical Geothermal System with Large-Scale Siliceous Sinter Deposits in the Tibet. Geochemistry International, 2021. https://DOI: 10.1134/S0016702921100037

11Shi D, Tan H*, Rao W, et al. Variations in water content of soil in apricot orchards in the western hilly regions of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Vadose Zone J. 2020; e20034. https://doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20034.

12Zihao Liu, Hongbing Tan*, Mark L. Brusseau. Significance of isotopic and geochemical methods to determine the evolution of inland brackish and bitter water: an example from the Zuli river in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, China. Hydrological Processes, 2021, 35(1), https://doi:10.1002/hyp.14024.

13Hongbing Tan, Jinbao Su, Peng Xu, et al. Enrichment mechanism of Li, B and K in the geothermal water and associated deposits from the Kawu area of the Tibetan plateau: Constraints from geochemical experimental data. Applied Geochemistry 93 (2018) 60–68.

14Hongbing Tan*, Zihao Liu, Wenbo Rao, et al. Stable isotopes of soil water: implications for soil water and shallow groundwater recharge in hill and gully regions of the Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2017, 2431-9.

15Hongbing Tan*, Zihao Liu, Wenbo Rao, et al. Understanding recharge in soil-groundwater systems in high loess hills on the Loess Plateau using isotopic data. CATENA, 2017, 15618-29. 10.1016/j.catena.2017.03.022.

16Hongbing Tan*, Wen X.W., Rao W.B., et al. Temporal variation of stable isotopes in a precipitation-groundwater system: implications for determining the mechanism of groundwater recharge in high mountain-hills of the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrological Processes 2016, 30, 1491-15.

17Yanfei Zhang, Hongbing Tan*, Wenjie Zhang, et al. Geochemical constraint on origin and evolution of solutes in geothermal springs in western Yunnan, China. Chemie Erde – Geochemistry 2016, 7663-75.

18Yanfei Zhang, Hongbing Tan*, Wenjie Zhang, et al. A new geochemical perspective on hydrochemical evolution of the Tibetan geothermal system. Geochemistry International, 2015, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 1090–1106

19Zhang, W., Tan, H. *, Zhang, Y., et al. Boron geochemistry from some typical Tibetan hydrothermal systems: origin and isotopic fractionation. Applied Geochemistry 63 (2015) 436-445.

20Wenjie ZhangXi ChenHongbing Tan*et al. Geochemical and isotopic data for restricting seawater intrusion and groundwater circulation in a series of typical volcanic islands in the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 93 (2015) 153–162.

21Hongbing Tan*, Jinzhong Huang, Wenjie Zhang, et al. Fractionation of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of gypsum hydration water and assessment on its geochemical indications. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 612014 793-801.

22Hongbing Tan*, Yanfei Zhang, Wenjie Zhang, et al. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic constraint on the formation mechanism of unique geothermal resources in the Tibetan Plateau. Applied Geochemistry 51 (2014) 23–32.

23Hongbing Tan*, Jun Chen, Wenbo Rao, et al. Lead isotope variability of fine-grained river sediments in Tibetan Plateau water catchments: Implications for geochemical provinces and crustal evolution. LITHOS2014190-19113-26, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.11.013.

24Hongbing Tan*, Wenjie Zhang, Jiansheng Chenet al. Isotope and geochemical studies for a geothermal assessment of the Xining basin and adjacent areas, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geothermics 42 (2012) 47-55doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2012.01.001.

25Hongbing Tan*, Jun Chen, Wenbo Rao, et al. Geothermal constraints on continental enrichment of boron and lithium resources in salt lakes: An example from a river-salt lake system on the northern slope of the eastern Kunlun Mountains, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012,511):21-2910.1016/j.jseaes.2012.03.002

26)谭红兵,石智伟,丛培鑫,等.  西藏地热系统BLiRbCs 元素空间分布规律与超常富集机制[J]. 沉积与特提斯地质,2023 doi: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2023.02001

27)张煜道,谭红兵*,丛培鑫,石智伟,杨俊颖.西藏羊八井—当雄断裂带地热系统BLiRbCs 富集机制[J/OL].沉积学报.https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.129

28)杨俊颖,谭红兵*,温夏伟. 西藏尼木地区遥感数据地温反演与地热异常预测. 地质论评,2021,676):1770-1779.

29)谭红兵,陆是成,拓万全,饶文波,郭宏业. 柴达木盆地那棱格勒河流域的水资源与矿源意义. 河海大学学报( 自然科学版)2020485):392-397.

30)时冬萍,谭红兵*,柳子豪. 黄河支流—祖厉河流域咸水多级冰冻淡化与高效利用研究. 河海大学学报(自然科学版),2020484):300-306.


4. 近年来其他科研成果

1)张煜道,谭红兵. 一种便携式雾水采样装置.专利,202220347556.8

2)陆是成,谭红兵,饶文波,丛培鑫. 深井定深-隔绝空气及有机物的地下水取样器.专利,2021.03ZL 2020 1 0147059.9.

2) 贝耀平、袁丙青、谭红兵、曹冬梅、张庆有、吕嘉奖、温夏伟. 一种基于云平台的环境监测装置. 专利,2020.11ZL202022595218.X.

3) 贝耀平,袁丙青,谭红兵、曹冬梅、程大利、温夏伟. 一种水样采集装置.专利,2021.12ZL 2020 2 3035707.6.

4)张玉东,谭红兵,金犇,柳子豪. 一种盐类矿物微量水真空抽提装置.专利,2016.8ZL 2016 2 0272016.2.

5)金可,饶文波,张文兵,谭红兵. 一种高效稳定的土壤水分真空抽提装置.专利,2015.3ZL 2014 2 0606320.7.

6)檀涛,饶文波,谭红兵,拓万全.高寒干旱流域河流径流量模拟软件V1.0. 软件著作权,2020.102020SR1912460

