





















浙江绍兴人,副教授,博士生导师,同济大学与卡尔加里大学联合培养博士,香港理工大学博士后,墨尔本大学访问学者,一直从事卫星精密定位与多源融合导航理论、方法和应用方面的工作,重点解决复杂条件下的精密导航定位问题。共主持国家自然科学基金等在内的20余项纵向横向课题,核心参与其他各类项目10余项。发表包括本领域国际国内权威期刊《Journal of Geodesy》、《GPS Solutions》以及《测绘学报》等在内的学术论文90余篇,包括一作/通讯SCI收录论文30余篇(中科院TOP期刊论文20余篇),个人专著1部。此外,注重核心技术的研发以及成果转化,致力于开发导航定位新技术以及相应的软硬件系统,相关成果已申请授权发明专利和软件著作权30余项且已得到应用,受邀作各类学术报告30余次。

担任国际大地测量协会理论委员会(IAG-ICCT)成员,国际大地测量协会海洋交叉委员会(IAG-ICCM)成员,国际大地测量协会研究组(JSG)成员,国际大地测量协会工作组(JWG 5.4WG 4.2.3)成员,中国卫星导航定位协会青年工作委员会委员,《测绘学报》、《导航定位与授时》、《无线电工程》青年编委,iGMAS北斗水利水电创新研究与应用中心、河海大学北斗卫星数据分析中心相关负责人等。是《Journal of Geodesy》、《GPS Solutions》等40余个SCI期刊,以及《测绘学报》等10余个EI或其他期刊的客座编委或审稿人,是IOP Trusted Reviewer、《Satellite Navigation》、《导航定位与授时》、《南京信息工程大学学报》等期刊优秀审稿人。





















[1] GNSS精密定位中多路径实时动态处理方法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 项目负责人

[2] 面向峡谷环境的GNSS精密动态定位方法研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 项目负责人

[3] 顾及残余系统误差的低成本高精度GNSS动态定位研究, 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金, 项目负责人

[4] 低成本高精度高可靠性GNSS实时动态定位模型研究, 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 项目负责人

[5] 复杂条件下大尺度多频多模RTK关键技术研究, 江苏省博士后科研资助计划, 项目负责人

[6] 高边坡大坝低成本北斗/GNSS精密自动化监测系统研发, 南京市留学人员科技创新项目, 项目负责人

[7] 校内外导师合作模式下的课程设计与实践探索:以测绘数据处理方法课程为例,江苏省测绘地理信息教学改革研究课题,项目负责人

[8] 测绘数据处理方法, 河海大学课程思政示范课程建设项目, 项目负责人

[9] 工程测量, 河海大学课程思政示范课程建设项目, 项目负责人

[10] 低轨星座增强北斗定位仿真软件研制与论证支持, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[11] PPP-B2b软件开发, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[12] BDSBAS软件开发, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[13] 地基增强系统优化, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[14] 高精度定位APP开发, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[15] 模糊度固定模块开发, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[16] 数据预处理模块开发, 技术开发, 项目负责人

[17] 主桥索塔施工监控期GNSS在线监测, 技术服务, 项目负责人



[1] Zhang Z. Code and phase multipath mitigation by using the observation-domain parameterization and its application in five-frequency GNSS ambiguity resolution. GPS Solutions, 2021, 25: 144. (SCI)

[2] Zhang Z, Zeng J, Li B, He X. Principles, methods and applications of cycle slip detection and repair under complex observation conditions. Journal of Geodesy, 2023, 97: 50. (SCI)

[3] Zhang Z, Li Y, He X, Hsu L. Resilient GNSS real-time kinematic precise positioning with inequality and equality constraints. GPS Solutions, 2023. (SCI)

[4] Zhang Z, Li Y, He X, Chen W, Li B. A composite stochastic model considering the terrain topography for real-time GNSS monitoring in canyon environments. Journal of Geodesy, 2022, 96: 79. (SCI)

[5] Zhang Z, Yuan H, Li B, He X, Gao S. Feasibility of easy-to-implement methods to analyze systematic errors of multipath, differential code bias, and inter-system bias for low-cost receivers. GPS Solutions, 2021, 25: 116. (SCI)

[6] Zhang Z, Li B, He X, Zhang Z, Miao W. Models, methods and assessment of four-frequency carrier ambiguity resolution for BeiDou-3 observations. GPS Solutions, 2020, 24: 96. (SCI)

[7] Zhang Z, Li B, Gao Y, Shen Y. Real-time carrier phase multipath detection based on dual-frequency C/N0 data. GPS Solutions, 2019, 23: 7. (SCI)

[8] Li B, Zhang Z, Shen Y, Yang L. A procedure for the significance testing of unmodeled errors in GNSS observations. Journal of Geodesy, 2018, 92(10): 1171-1186. (SCI)

[9] Wang H, Zhang Z, Dong Y, Zhan W, Li Y. Real-time multipath mitigation based on spatiotemporal correlations in BDS precise point positioning. GPS Solutions, 2024, 28: 37. (SCI)

[10] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Dong Y, Zeng J, Li B. Multipath mitigation in GNSS precise point positioning using multipath hierarchy for changing environments. GPS Solutions, 2023, 27: 193. (SCI)

[11] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Zhan W. An improved estimation approach of GNSS multi-frequency code observable-specific bias aided by geometry-free and ionospheric-free observations. GPS Solutions, 2024, 28: 199. (SCI)

[12] Zeng P, Zhang Z, Wen Y, He X, He L, Li M, Chen W. Properties of multi-GNSS uncalibrated phase delays with considering satellite systems, receiver types, and network scales. Satellite Navigation, 2023, 4: 19. (SCI)

[13] Zhang Z, Li X, Yuan H. Best Integer Equivariant Estimation based on Unsupervised Machine Learning for GNSS Precise Positioning and Navigation in Complex Environments. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023. (SCI)

[14] Zhang Z, Yuan H, He X, Li B, Geng J. Best Integer Equivariant Estimation With Quality Control in GNSS RTK for Canyon Environments. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(4): 4105-4117. (SCI)

[15] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Wen Y, Zeng J. An Extended Robust Estimation Method Considering the Multipath Effects with Low-cost Devices in RTK Positioning. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 8504509. (SCI)

[16] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Zeng J, Li X. Resilient Ambiguity Resolution Strategy in GNSS Real-Time Kinematic Positioning for Urban Environments. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024. (SCI)

[17] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Zeng J, Wang H. Improved multipath mitigation using multiple trend-surface hemispherical map in GNSS precise point positioning. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(8): 13095-13103. (SCI)

[18] Zhang Z, Dong Y, Wen Y, Yuan H, Li B. Robust Pseudorange and Carrier Phase Multipath Mitigation with Hemispherical Map Considering the Uncertainty. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(7): 10832-10840. (SCI)

[19] Zhang Z, Dong Y, Wen Y, Luo Y. Modeling, refinement and evaluation of multipath mitigation based on the hemispherical map in BDS2/BDS3 relative precise positioning. Measurement, 2023, 213: 112722. (SCI)

[20] Zhang Z, Yuan H, He X, Chen B, Zhang Z. Unmodeled-error-corrected stochastic assessment for a standalone GNSS receiver regardless of the number of tracked frequencies. Measurement, 2023, 206: 112265. (SCI)

[21] Zhang Z, Yuan H, He X, Zeng J. Cycle slip detection and repair based on the unmodeled-error-constrained geometry-free combining geometry-based models for a single-frequency receiver. Measurement, 2023, 217: 113090. (SCI)

[22] Zeng J, Zhang Z, He X, Yuan H, Li Y, Song M. Real-time GNSS multiple cycle slip detection and repair based on a controllable geometry-based method in relative positioning. Measurement, 2023, 216: 112940. (SCI)

[23] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Li G, Wang S. Stochastic model assessment of low-cost devices considering the impacts of multipath effects and atmospheric delays. Measurement, 2022, 188: 110619. (SCI)

[24] Li Y, Zhang Z, He X, Wen Y, Cao X. Realistic stochastic modeling considering the PDOP and its application in real time GNSS point positioning under challenging environments. Measurement, 2022, 197: 111342. (SCI)

[25] Zhang Z, Li B, Shen Y. Efficient approximation for a fully populated variance-covariance matrix in RTK positioning. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2018, 144(4): 04018005. (SCI)

[26] Yuan H, Zhang Z, He X, Zeng J. Tight integration of BDS-3/BDS-2/GPS/Galileo observations considering the new overlapping DISBs and its application in obstructed environments. Advances in Space Research, 2023, 71: 2879-2891. (SCI)

[27] Jiang Z, Zhang Z, He X, Li Y, Yuan H. Efficient and accurate TEC modeling and prediction approach with random forest and Bi-LSTM for large-scale region. Advances in Space Research, 2024, 73: 650-662. (SCI)

[28] Yuan H, He X, Zhang Z, Liu H, Li Y, Jiang Z. A real-time combined quality control method for GNSS precise positioning in harsh environments. Advances in Space Research, 2023, 71: 900-911. (SCI)

[29] Zhang Z, Li X, Yuan H, Luo Y. An enhanced outlier processing approach based on the resilient mathematical model compensation in GNSS precise positioning and navigation. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35(1): 015007. (SCI)

[30] Zhang Z, Li B. Unmodeled error mitigation for single-frequency multi-GNSS precise positioning based on multi-epoch partial parameterization. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31: 025008. (SCI)

[31] Xu H, Zhang Z, Wen Y, Li Y, Zeng P, Lu. Resilient inequality constrained GNSS kinematic precise point positioning considering the terrain topography. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35: 056302. (SCI)

[32] Li Y, Zhang Z, He X, Yuan H, Zhang N. An elevation stochastic model constrained by C/N0 for GNSS real-time kinematic positioning in harsh environments. Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 34(1): 015011. (SCI)

[33] Dong Y, Zhang Z, Pang L, Dong H, Shi Y. Partial ambiguity resolution considering the multipath effects in a canyon environment. Survey Review, 2023. (SCI)

[34] Zhang Z, Li B, Shen Y, Yang L. A noise analysis method for GNSS signals of a standalone receiver. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 2017, 52(3): 301-316. (SCI)

[35] Li X, Zhang Z, Li Y, Luo X, Ferreira V. A priori and effective estimation of variance factors based on the code chipping rate in BeiDou Navigation Satellite System positioning. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2023. (SCI)

[36] Zhang Z, Li B, Shen Y, He X. Functional model compensation of residual systematic errors in GNSS precise positioning, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2020: 242-254. (EI)

[37] Jin B, Zhang Z, Li Q, Wang F, Li W. GNSS Millimeter-Level Bridge Deformation Monitoring System Based on Reliable Ambiguity Resolution and Multi-Stage Filtering. FICMSS 2025, January, 2025. (EI)

[38] Wang X, Zhang Z, Wang H, Pei X. Seamless Real-Time Precise Point Positioning in Areas without Internet and with Internet. 2024 IPIN-WiP, October, 2024. (EI)

[39] 章浙涛. GNSS非模型化误差处理理论与方法. 测绘学报, 2020, 49(7): 936-936. (EI)

[40] 章浙涛, 李博峰, 何秀凤. 北斗三号多频相位模糊度无几何单历元固定方法. 测绘学报, 2020, 49(9): 1139-1148. (EI)

[41] 章浙涛, 朱建军, 匡翠林, 周璀. 小波包多阈值去噪法及其在形变分析中的应用. 测绘学报, 2014, 43(1): 13-20. (EI)

[42] 李博峰, 章浙涛. 时间相关观测的几种动态数据处理方法. 测绘学报, 2018, 47(12): 1563-1570. (EI)

[43] 章浙涛, 朱建军, 匡翠林, 张勇. 一种小波包混合滤波方法及其应用. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2014, 39(4): 471-475. (EI)

[44] 朱建军, 章浙涛, 匡翠林, 潘家宝. 一种可靠的小波去噪质量评价指标. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2015, 40(5): 688-694. (EI)

[45] 王彬, 章浙涛, 何秀凤. 结合正态分布变换与线面ICP的弹性激光SLAM算法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2024, 49(4): 672-680. (EI)

[46] 袁海军, 章浙涛, 何秀凤, 徐天扬, 徐学永. 北斗三号卫星差分码偏差稳定性分析及其对单点定位的影响. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2023, 48(3): 425-432. (EI)

[47] 徐天扬, 章浙涛, 何秀凤, 袁海军. 一种适用于单频GNSS数据的多周跳探测与修复方法. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2024, 49(3): 465-472. (EI)



[1] 星基地基增强一体式非差GNSS实时PNT方法及设备,第一

[2] 星基地基增强一体式差分GNSS实时PNT方法及设备,第一

[3] 一种用于天线内置定位终端的信号质量评估方法,第一

[4] 基于信噪比的BDS/GNSS多路径探测方法,第一

[5] 适用于多频GNSS精密导航定位中的多路径参数化方法及存储介质,第一

[6] 一种GNSS模糊度固定方法及存储介质,第一

[7] 一种高效可靠的多频多模GNSS观测值协方差阵估计方法,第一

[8] 一种符合实际的GNSS观测值定权方法,第一

[9] 一种顾及非模型化误差的卫星导航定位方法,第二

[10] 一种应用于全球导航卫星系统GNSS的周跳探测与修复方法,第二

[11] 一种可利用摄像装置辅助的GNSS导航定位方法,第二

[12] 一种基于人工智能的多路径效应检测方法,第二

[13] 高精度高可靠性GNSS形变监测平台,第一

[14] 全频率精密单点定位软件,第一

[15] 多频多模PPP-AR定位软件,第一

[16] 多频多模实时PPP定位软件,第一

[17] 含非模型化误差补偿的GNSS定位导航系统,第一

[18] 适用于复杂条件的RTK/RTD定位软件,第一

[19] 高时效高可靠PPP-B2b定位软件,第一

[20] 高时效高可靠BDSBAS定位软件,第一

[21] 北斗/GNSS数据质量控制软件,第一

[22] 单站型TEC估计与预报软件,第一

[23] 区域型TEC估计预报及内插软件,第一

[24] GNSS/LiDAR/Vision/IMU弹性融合PNT系统,第一

[25] 基于移动终端的北斗/GNSS弹性导航定位APP,第一

[26] 面向智能终端的蓝牙数据读取存储APP,第一

[27] 低成本模组精密实时定位软件,第一

[28] 面向智能终端的GNSS数据读取存储APP,第一

[29] 面向智能终端的IMU数据读取存储APP,第一

[30] 面向智能终端的5G数据读取存储APP,第一

[31] 面向智能终端的WIFI数据读取存储APP,第二

