



陈 松
































1.    教育工作背景

2015.8~ 2016.8     Colorado School of Mines  访问学者

1994.9~ 2008.6    河海大学土木工程学院 先后获本科、硕士及博士学位

2.   参与或主持的部分科研项目

1)     Temperature effect of the platform for 8# pier of Sutong Bridge, 5/08-12/08. Supported by Jiangsu Transportation Development Management Council

2)     Safety monitor and geological advanced Prediction of rocky tunnel in Xiangshan Expressway in Jiangsu province, 05/05-9/07. Supported by Suzhou Municipal Communication Bureau

3)     Research on the effect of local scour and cavity expansion during construction of the LDBPs for the main pier of Sutong Bridge, 5/08-12/08. Supported by Jiangsu Transportation Development Management Council

4)     Safety Monitoring of the big cofferdam of Sutong Bridge, 02/06-5/06. Supported by Jiangsu Province Transportation Development Management Council

5)     Safety Monitoring System for Xizhu Bridge (60+100+60m Continuous Beam) ,02/09-03/11, Supported by Xuzhou City Transportation Management Bureau

6)     Study on the spatial difference due to the rising of Everest Mountain of the geological disaster occurred at South-Western China, 02/10-03/12. The fundamental research funds for the Central Universities

7)     Stability evaluation of landslide and anti-slide monitoring system along the riverside during reservoir filling for Nuozadu Hydraulic PowerStation, 12/09-Date. Supported by China Hydro Yunnan Engineering Corporation

8)     Analysis Program and G&MIS for the Riverside Stability and disaster pre-casting of HuangDeng hydraulic PowerStation during its reservoir filling, 12/09-Date. Supported by China Hydro Yunnan Engineering Corporation

9)     Dynamic and stability of the temporary-column for the XingYun Bridge during its rotation, 12/12-4/14. Supported by Suqian Transportation Engineering Co. Ltd.

3.   主要论文及学术交流

1)     Chen Song, Sun Ying-xue, Liu Da-wei. (2012). Monitoring technique for local scour around bridge pier. 13th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference and the 5th NASA/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Space Exploration, April 15, 2012, Pasadena, United states:914-919.

2)     Chen Song, Chen Zhi-jian. (2010). Monitoring model for safety of large caisson foundation in soft soil. Journal of Hohai University (Nature Science Edition), 2010(01): 87-92.

3)     Chen Song, Chen Zhi-jian. (2009). Monitoring of stability-enhancing techniques using for the north pylon foundation of Sutong Bridge. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) 16(S1): 99-104.

4)     Chen Song, Chen GuoJin, Xu Guang-Li. (2008). Mechanism of geological processes of formation and deformation of the Huangtupo landslide. Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences 33(3): 411-415.

5)     Chen Song, Han Xue-wei (2005). Monitoring program system for the foundation of large bridge (In Chinese). Chinese Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2005(05): 44-47.

6)     Chen Zhi-jian, Tang Yong, Chen Song. (2012). Multi-scale Monitoring System of River-Bed Scouring around Sutong Bridge (In Chinese). Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (01): 63-67+77.

7)     Chen Song, Chen Zhi-jian, Zhang Xiong-wen. (2012).Multi-scale detection technics for local scour monitoring in river bed: Case study, at Sutong Bridge. 12th International Conference on Earth and Space: Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, 2010: 2431-2441.

8)     Sun Ying-xue, Chen Song, Cheng Shuai-ran. (2012). Stability analysis of unloading slope by interface element method. ICVSEM, October 19, 2012, Shanghai, China: 1462-1466.

9)     Chen Zhi-jian, Zhang Xiong-wen, Chen Song. (2003). Comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model for slope safety based on external deformation observation (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 22(12): 1971-1975.

10)               Chen Song, Chen Zhi-jian. (2004). Study on Singular Detection and Attribute Classification for Safety Monitoring Information (In Chinese). Hydropower Automation and Dam Safety Monitoring (01): 40-44.

11)               Chen Zhi-jian, Chen Song. (2002). Technique of Laying Deep inclinometer holes In Crumbled Rock Mass (In Chinese). Hydropower Automation and Dam Safety Monitoring (02): 49-50.
