个人简介 张立林,男,理学博士,山东临沂人,笃学楼1115。2015年7月于长安大学地质工程与测绘学院获得学士学位,2018年7月于北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院获得硕士学位,导师为姚云军教授,2024年6月于荷兰特温特大学国际航天测量与地球科学学院(ITC)获得博士学位,导师包括Prof. Andy Nelson, Asso. Prof. Anton Vrieling和Asso. Prof. Michael Marshall。目前主要从事蒸散算法及水资源环境遥感领域的研究,已发表学术论文二十余篇,以第一作者发表六篇,同时长期担任多个知名学术期刊的审稿人,包括Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Science of the Total Environment, Remote Sensing等。 1.研究方向 主要从事水资源环境遥感领域研究,包括蒸散估算、干旱监测、农田估产,流域水循环及气候变化响应等。 2.科研项目 1). Enhancing regional estimates of evapotranspiration with Earth observation data, 2023.8-2024.2, 主持, 荷兰特温特大学, ITC Foundation项目。 2). Enhancing ECOSTRESS drought monitoring with hyperspectral narrowbands, 2022-2024, 参与, The European Space Agency (ESA) EO Africa HyRELIEF 项目。 3) 陆面潜热通量遥感融合估算及其时空变化归因研究,2017-2020,参与,国家自然科学面上基金。 4) 基于国产遥感卫星的陆表潜热通量估算研究,2016-2021,参与,国家重点研发计划(地球观测与导航)重点专项“基于国产遥感卫星的典型要素提取技术”。 3.期刊论文 [1] The divergence of energy- and water-balance evapotranspiration estimates in humid regions, Journal of Hydrology, (SCI), 2023.7, Lilin Zhang*, Michael Marshall, Anton Vrieling, Andy Nelson, 2023, 624: 129971 [2] Association of catchment characteristics to Budyko hydrologic model’s uncertainty in humid catchments, Proceedings of SPIE (SPIE Best Student Paper Award), (EI), 2023.10, Lilin Zhang*, Michael Marshall, Anton Vrieling, Andy Nelson, 2023, Remote Sensing for Agriculture Ecosystems, and Hydrology (Vol. 12727) [3] A global assessment of PT-JPL soil evaporation in agroecosystems with optical, thermal, and microwave, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, (SCI), 2021.8, Lilin Zhang*, Michael Marshall, Andy Nelson, Anton Vrieling, 2021, 306: 108455 [4] ERTFM: An effective model to fuse Chinese GF-1 and MODIS reflectance data for terrestrial latent heat flux estimation., Remote Sensing, (SCI), 2021.9, Lilin Zhang, Yunjun Yao*, Xiangyi Bei, Yufu Li, 2021, 13: 3703 [5] Assessing the remotely sensed evaporative drought index for drought monitoring over Northeast China., Remote Sensing, (SCI), 2019.8, Lilin Zhang,Yunjun Yao*, Xiangyi Bei, Kun Jia, 2019, 11: 1960 [6] Satellite-derived spatiotemporal variations in evapotranspiration over Northeast China during 1982–2010., Remote Sensing, (SCI), 2017.11, Lilin Zhang,Yunjun Yao*,Zhiqiang Wang, Kun Jia, 2017, 9: 1140 [7] A macroscale evapotranspiration benchmark based on spatial and temporal enhancements to the Budyko framework., submitted to Journal of Hydrology (SCI), 2024.11 Second round., Lilin Zhang*, Anton Vrieling, Michael Marshall, Andy Nelson. |