






















主要从事卫星导航、测量数据处理、近地空间环境等方面的研究,包括结合电离层建模的GNSS定位,电离层三维层析算法,磁暴、地震、火山导致的电离层扰动等。提出了多种电离层三维层析算法,发展了一套基于多源数据的电离层扰动监测、研究体系。主持国家青年基金、博后面上基金等多个项目,获得教育部科技进步一等奖1项。在Geophysical Research LettersJGRSpace PhysicsJournal of Geodesy等权威期刊上发表论文20余篇,包括一篇JGRSpace Physics封面文章。同时担任JGRSpace WeatherTGRSGPS Solutions等期刊审稿人。



  • 复杂空间环境下的卫星导航

  • 多源数据融合的电离层三维层析算法

  • 磁暴期间的电离层响应

  • 地震、火山激发的电离层扰动


  • 2018.10-2020.10  联合培养 美国国家大气研究中心

  • 2017.09-2020.12  博士     武汉大学

  • 2014.09-2017.06  硕士     武汉大学

  • 2010.09-2014.06  学士     河海大学



  • 基于电离层-等离子层联合层析和物理模式模拟的暴时密度增强研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人

  • 弱地磁活动期间电离层负暴空间形态及物理机制研究,中国博士后科学基金第72批面上,项目负责人

  • 中纬地区大尺度电离层结构三维反演研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,项目负责人

  • 火山电离层扰动时空传播形态研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,项目负责人

  • 基于GNSS三维层析的同震电离层扰动研究,湖南科技大学测绘遥感信息工程湖南省重点实验室开放基金,项目负责人


[1]. Zhai, Changzhi, Dang, Tong, Yao, Yibin, Kong, Jian, Chen, Yutian, Cheng, Xiaoyun (2023). ThreeDimensional Ionospheric Evolution and Asymmetry of the Electron Density Depletion Generated by the 21 June 2020 Annular Solar Eclipse, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(12), e2023JA031725.

[2]. Zhai, Changzhi, Cai, Xuguang, Wang, Wenbin, Coster, Anthea, Qian, Liying, Solomon, Stanley C, et al. (2023). MidLatitude Ionospheric Response To A Weak Geomagnetic Activity Event During Solar Minimum, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(1), e2022JA030908.

[3]. Zhai, Changzhi, Chen, Yutian, Cheng, Xiaoyun, Yin, Xunzhe (2023). Spatiotemporal Evolution and Drivers of the Four Ionospheric Storms over the American Sector during the August 2018 Geomagnetic Storm, Atmosphere, 14(2), 335.

[4]. Chen, Yutian, Yue, Dongjie, Zhai, Changzhi (2023). Forecasting 3-dimensional ionospheric disturbances during Hurricane Matthew using ConvLSTM neural network, Astrophysics and Space Science, 368(11), 99.

[5]. Chen, Yutian, Yue, Dongjie, Zhai, Changzhi (2023). Study on Four-dimensional Evolution of Concentric Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances after Falcon 9 Rocket Launch using Ionospheric Tomography, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

[6]. Zhai, Changzhi, Tang, Shenquan, Peng, Wenjie, Cheng, Xiaoyun, Zheng, Dunyong (2022). Driver of the positive ionospheric storm over the South American sector during 4 November 2021 Geomagnetic Storm, Remote Sensing, 15(1), 111.

[7]. Yu, Tingting, Wang, Wenbin, Ren, Zhipeng, Cai, Xuguang, Liu, Libo, He, Maosheng, et al. (2022). Diagnostic Analysis of the Physical Processes Underlying the LongDuration O/N2 Depletion During the Recovery Phase of the 8 June 2019 Geomagnetic Storm, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127(12), e2022JA031075.

[8]. Wang, Yang, Yao, Yibin, Kong, Jian, Zhai, Changzhi, Chen, Xuanxi, Shan, Lulu (2022). Analysis of the 3-D Evolution Characteristics of Ionospheric Anomalies During a Geomagnetic Storm Through Fusion of GNSS and COSMIC-2 Data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-19.

[9]. Shan, LL, Yao, YB, Kong, J, Zhai, CZ, Zhou, C, Chen, XX (2022). ThreeDimensional Reconstruction of Tongue of Ionization During the 11 October 2010 Geomagnetic Storm and Evolution Analysis With TIEGCM, Space Weather, 20(4), e2021SW002862.

[10]. Chen, Yutian, Yue, Dongjie, Zhai, Changzhi, Zhang, ShunRong (2022). Detection and ThreeDimensional Reconstruction of Concentric Traveling Ionosphere Disturbances Induced by Hurricane Matthew on 7 October 2016, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127(12), e2022JA030690.

[11]. Zhai, Changzhi, Shi, Xueling, Wang, Wenbin, Hartinger, Michael D, Yao, Yibin, Peng, Wenjie, et al. (2021a). Characterization of Highm ULF Wave Signatures in GPS TEC Data, Geophysical Research Letters, 48(14), e2021GL094282.

[12]. Zhai, Changzhi, Yao, Yibin, Kong, Jian (2021b). Three-dimensional reconstruction of seismo-traveling ionospheric disturbances after March 11, 2011, Japan Tohoku earthquake, Journal of Geodesy, 95(7), 77.

[13]. Zhai, Changzhi, Lu, Gang, Yao, Yibin, Wang, Wenbin, Zhang, Shunrong, Liu, Jing, et al. (2020a). 3D tomographic reconstruction of SED plume during 17 March 2013 storm, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(11), e2020JA028257.

[14]. Zhai, Changzhi, Lu, Gang, Yao, Yibin, Wang, Wenbin, Zhang, Shunrong, Liu, Jing, et al. (2020). 3D tomographic reconstruction of storm-enhanced density (SED) plume during March 17, 2013 storm, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(11).

[15]. Yao, Yibin, Zhai, Changzhi, Kong, Jian, Zhao, Cunjie, Luo, Yiyong, Liu, Lei (2020). An improved constrained simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for ionospheric tomography, GPS Solutions, 24, 1-19.

[16]. Liu, Lei, Yao, Yibin, Zou, Shasha, Kong, Jian, Shan, Lulu, Zhai, Changzhi, et al. (2019). Ingestion of GIM-derived TEC data for updating IRI-2016 driven by effective IG indices over the European region, Journal of Geodesy, 93, 1911-1930.

[17]. Yao, Yibin, Liu, Lei, Kong, Jian, Zhai, Changzhi (2018a). Global ionospheric modeling based on multi-GNSS, satellite altimetry, and Formosat-3/COSMIC data, GPS Solutions, 22, 1-12.

[18]. Yao, Yibin, Zhai, Changzhi, Kong, Jian, Zhao, Qingzhi, Zhao, Cunjie (2018b). A modified three-dimensional ionospheric tomography algorithm with side rays, GPS Solutions, 22, 1-18.

[19]. Kong, Jian, Yao, Yibin, Zhou, Chen, Liu, Yi, Zhai, Changzhi, Wang, Zemin, et al. (2018). Tridimensional reconstruction of the Co-Seismic Ionospheric Disturbance around the time of 2015 Nepal earthquake, Journal of Geodesy, 92, 1255-1266.

[20]. 刘磊, 姚宜斌, 孔建, 翟长治 (2017). 附加 GIM 约束的全球电离层建模, 大地测量与地球动力学, 37(1), 67-71.

[21]. Yao, Yibin, Zhai, Changzhi, Kong, Jian, Liu, Lei (2017). Contribution of solar radiation and geomagnetic activity to global structure of 27-day variation of ionosphere, Journal of Geodesy, 91, 1299-1311.

[22]. Kong, Jian, Yao, Yibin, Xu, Yahui, Kuo, Chungyen, Zhang, Liang, Liu, Lei, et al. (2017). A clear link connecting the troposphere and ionosphere: Ionospheric reponses to the 2015 Typhoon Dujuan, Journal of Geodesy, 91(9), 1087-1097.

[23]. 姚宜斌, 翟长治, 孔建, 刘磊 (2016). 2015 年尼泊尔地震的震前电离层异常探测, Cehui Xuebao, 45(4), 385.

[24]. 翟长治, 岳顺, 李小奇 (2016). 基于成分聚类的高阶奇异谱分析及在 GNSS 监测序列分析中的应用, 测绘工程(4), 46-50.

[25]. Yao, Yibin, Liu, Lei, Kong, Jian, Zhai, Changzhi (2016). Analysis of the global ionospheric disturbances of the March 2015 great storm, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(12).

[26]. Kong, Jian, Yao, Yibin, Liu, Lei, Zhai, Changzhi, Wang, Zemin (2016). A new computerized ionosphere tomography model using the mapping function and an application to the study of seismic-ionosphere disturbance, Journal of Geodesy, 90(8), 741-755.

[27]. 翟长治, 姚宜斌, 岳顺 (2015). 基于 EGM2008 和剩余地形模型的区域似大地水准面精化方法, 大地测量与地球动力学, 35(6), 941-944.

[28]. 翟长治, 岳东杰, 岳顺 (2014). 大型桥梁 GPS 监测数据的奇异谱分析, 勘察科学技术(4), 20-23.

