


























本人一直从事裂隙介质地下水渗流及污染物运移实验与模型研究,在合肥工业大学获得博士学位。攻读博士学位期间,由国家留学基金委资助前往美国德州农工大学开展了为期6个月的联合培养博士研究。从20126月开始就职于河海大学地球科学与工程学院。自201612月开始,由国家留学基金委资助开始在多伦多大学开展为期一年的访问学者交流。主持国家自然科学青年基金一项,主持江苏省自然科学青年基金和中央高校基本科研业务费项目各一项。已发表SCI, EI论文三十余篇,其中第一作者及通讯作者12篇,并多次参加国际会议并作分会报告。


1.        教育工作背景


2016.12~             多伦多大学  土木工程系  访问学者

2012.06~        河海大学    地球科学与工程学院


2008.09~ 2012.05   合肥工业大学  资源与环境工程学院 博士

2010.10~ 2011.05   德州农工大学  地质系             联合培养博士

2005.09~ 2007.12   合肥工业大学  资源与环境工程学院 硕士

2001.09~ 2005.07   合肥工业大学  资源与环境工程学院 学士


2.   研究经历


01.2014~12.2017   国家自然科学青年基金:粗糙单裂隙介质溶质非费克运移驱动力及模型研究(41402197),资助金额25万,项目负责人

09.2013~09.2016   江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金项目:多孔介质非达西流下反应性溶质运移模拟研究(BK20130830),资助金额20万,项目负责人

10.2013~ 10.2015  中央高校基本科研业务费项目,单裂隙非达西流下反应性溶质运移模拟研究,资助金额5万,项目负责人

01.2013~12.2015   国家自然科学基金:基岩裂隙水非达西流条件下非费克运移实验与模拟研究(41272251),资助金额85万,主要参与人

01.2009~12.2011   合肥工业大学“科技创新群体计划:地下水污染控制与修复,资助金额200万,主要参与人

01.2009~12.2011   国家自然科学基金:基岩裂隙中溶质(污染物)Non-Fickian 运移试验与模拟研究(40872166),资助金额39万,主要参与人

01.2007~12.2009   新世纪优秀人才计划项目:人类活动胁迫下流域地下水污染及自然净化机理研究—以巢湖南淝河流域为例(NCET-06-0541),资助金额40万,主要参与人

3.    发表文章 

1)        Chen, Z., et al. (2017). "Effect of roughness on water flow through a synthetic single rough fracture." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(4): 186. doi:10.1007/s12665-017-6470-7SCI

2)        Z. Chen, J. G. Wang, W. Z. Zhang, J. H. Shi, 2014, Experimental Study and Models Comparison for Solute Transport through Riparian Zones, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.   1073-1076,   pp.   1604-1608   DOI:0.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1073-1076.1604

3)        Qian, J., M. Liang, Z. Chen, and H. Zhan (2012), Eddy correlations for water flow in a single fracture with abruptly changing aperture, Hydrological Processes, 26(22), 3369-3377, doi:10.1002/hyp.8332. (SCI 收录,IF:1.87)

4)        Huang, H., J.Z. Qian, X.X. Kuang, Z. Chen, and R.Z. Li (2012), Experimental study of airflow induced by pumping tests in unconfined aquifer with low-permeability cap, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 24(4), 605-608, doi:10.1016/s1001-6058(11)60283-7. (SCI收录)

5)        Chen, Z., J.Z. Qian, and H. Qin (2011), Experimental study of the non-darcy flow and solute transport in a channeled single fracture, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 23(6), 745-751, doi:10.1016/s1001-6058(10)60172-2. (SCI收录)

6)        J.Z. Qian, Z. Chen, H.B. Zhan and H.C. Guan. 2011. Experimental study of the effect of roughness and Reynolds number on fliuid flow in rough-walled single fractures: a check of local cubic law. Hydrological Processes. 25(4), 614-622, doi:10.1002/hyp.7849. (SCI收录).

7)        Qian, J. Z., Z. Chen, H. B. Zhan, and S. H. Luo (2011), Solute transport in a filled single fracture under non-Darcian flow, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 48(1), 132-140, doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.09.009. (SCI收录).

8)        Qian, J., H. Zhan, Z. Chen, and H. Ye (2011), Experimental study of solute transport under non-Darcian flow in a single fracture, Journal of Hydrology, 399(3-4), 246-254, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.01.003. (SCI收录).

9)        Qian, J., L. Wang, H. Zhan, and Z. Chen (2011), Urban land-use effects on groundwater phosphate distribution in a shallow aquifer, Nanfei River basin, China, Hydrogeology Journal, 19(7), 1431-1442, doi:10.1007/s10040-011-0770-x. (SCI收录,IF:1.417)

10) Z.CHEN, H.N. LI and R.Z. LI. 2011.Quantification non-linear flow and transport in fractures based on boundary layer theory and MIM. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75, Issue 12, Supplement 1, Pages :A659-A659   (SCI收录).

11) Z. Chen, L. Ma, F. Hua, et al. 2010. Non-Fickian and non-Darcian laws in the simulation of flow and solute transport, Proceedings on WRI-13. Taylor &Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-415-60426-0 (Hbk+CD-rom), 978-0- 203- 83404-6 (ISTP收录).

12) Chen Z, Qian JZ, Sun LQ et al. 2010. Experimental study of nitrate migration and transformation in saturated groundwater under variational hydraulic gradient, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, p438-443. (EI收录).

13) Zhang YF, Chen Z, Qian JZ et al. 2010. Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow and Contaminant Interaction in Riparian Zones, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, p 483-486. (EI收录).

14) Sun LQ, Qian JZ, Chen Z, et al. 2010. Experimental Simulation of Flow Characteristic in Inclined Single Fracture, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, p 423-426. (EI收录).

15) Y. Liu, J. Z. Qian, Z. Chen and J.F. 2010. Wu. An experimental study on the autotrophic denitrification with sulphur electron donor in groundwater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(12):A625. (SCI收录).

16) Wang ZP, Shen HC, Liu Y, Chen Z, Yin XX. 2010. Groundwater Nitrate Removal under Different Hydraulic Conditions Using Reed Stalk as the Carbon Source, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, p 947-951. (EI收录).

17)    Chen, Z., J.Z. Qian, S.H. Luo, and H.B. Zhan (2009), Experimental study of friction factor for groundwater flow in a single rough fracture, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 21(6), 820-825, doi:10.1016/s1001-6058(08)60218-8. (SCI收录)

18)    Qian, J., Zhan, H., Wu, J., and Chen, Z., 2009. What we can learn from sequential multi-well pumping tests in fracture-karst media? a case study in zhangji, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 17:1749-1760, doi:10.1007/s10040-009-0463-x (SCI收录,IF:1.417).

19) Z.Chen, J.Z.Qian, H.B.Zhan, et al. 2009. Mobile-immobile model in solute transport through porous and fracture media. 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, IAHS Publ. 341:313-316International conference on calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling, Wuhan , CHINE (20/09/2009) 2011, vol. 341, pp. 154-158 ISBN 978-1-907161-15-5 (ISTP收录2009,同时被IASH红皮书收录-2011).

20)  Y. LIU, J.Z. Qian, Z. CHEN et al. 2009. Characterization and bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with nitrate in wetland of Chaohu lake. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, A783. (SCI收录)

21) L.W. Chen, H.R. Gui, J.Z. Qian, X.X Yin, Z. Chen. 2009. Contaminant mass flux changes with induced oxide mineral precipitation at the up-gradienr DNAPL source zones, Proceedings on ICCRGM, 309-312. (ISTP收录).

22) LV C, ZHOU YX, CHEN Z et al. 2008. Experimental Research of Several Methods of Sludge Pretreatment, Proceedings on AEETKT, 78-82. (ISTP收录)

23)    LIU Y, Qian JZ, WANG LL, CHEN Z. 2008. Simulated Experiment of Removing Nitrate from Groundwater by Denitrobacteria, Proceedings of AEETKT, 215-217. (ISTP收录)

24)    黄倩, 王锦国, 陈舟, 张文喆,  2015.  黏滞性对LNAPL在非饱和多孔介质中优先流影响的 .   ( ) 43(01):66-71.   

25)    张文章,  王锦国,  陈舟,  2015.  云南鹤庆西山岩溶地下水同位素及水化学分析,   工程勘察(03), 51-56.

26)    郭忠杰, 王锦国, 陈舟, 施佳会, 张文章, 2015. 云南省鹤庆西山温水龙潭温泉成因机制 探讨,  工程勘察(05), 43-48+98.

27)    陈舟, 林牧, 王靖, 张文章,2014, 地下水封储油洞库渗流及油品储存试验研究, 石油工程 建设. 40(06), 61-64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2206.2014.06.016

28)    陈舟,  施佳会,  杨小辉,  吴明洲,  2014,  某垃圾发电厂地下水污染模拟研究,   工程勘察(12),38-42+93.

29)    陈舟,  刘金星,  张文章,  施佳会,  李追,  2014,  某化工园区地下水污染模拟研究, 广东化工41:(20), 92-94.

30)    施佳会,  王锦国,  陈舟, 2014.  其宗岩溶泉成因简析,  水电能源科学, 32 (11), 58-62.

31)    王志平,孙世群,钱家忠,陈舟.有机碳对地下含水层中硝酸盐去除影响试验研究.   中国科学技术大学学报, 2010, 40(7).

32)    夏琼,  钱家忠,  陈舟.   2009.基于支持向量机的淮南市浅层地下水水质评价.  水文地质工程地质, 36(1):56-59+68.

33)    陈舟,钱家忠,姜常让等. 2008. 多孔介质地下水非达西渗流研究进展. 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版), 31(10):1539-1543. 


4. 国际学术交流


1)        American Geography Union Fall meeting 2015(AGU 2015), San Francisco, USA, 2015.12.13-2015.12.19, poster: Effect of roughness on water flow through a single rough fracture.

(美国 旧金山 美国地球物理协会2015秋季年会 墙报)

2)        American Geography Union Fall meeting 2013(AGU 2013), San Francisco, USA, 2013.12.08-2013.12.13, poster: Influence of wettability on interfacial area during immiscible liquid invasion into a 3D fracture.

(美国 旧金山 美国地球物理协会2013秋季年会 墙报)

3)        American Geography Union Fall meeting 2010(AGU 2010), San Francisco, USA, 2010.12.08-2010.12.13, poster: Experimental Study on Flow and Solute Transport in an Artificially Channeled Single Fracture.

(美国 旧金山 美国地球物理协会2010秋季年会 墙报)

4)        The 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling (ModelCARE2009), Wuhan, China, 2009.09.21-23, poster: Mobile-immobile Model in Solute Transport Through Porous and Fracture Media.

(中国 武汉 第七届地下水模拟国际学术会议 墙报)
